Your son has been elected to be a candidate for membership in the Order of the Arrow. Upon completion of his Ordeal weekend, he will have all the rights and priviledges of all arrowmen in our Lodge.
What is the Order of the Arrow?
The Order of the Arrow (or as most people call it, the "OA") is Scouting's National Honor Society. It was founded in 1915 by Dr. E. Urner Goodman and Carroll A Edson at Treasure Island, the Council camp for the council in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Units hold elections where Scouts are selected based on their adherance to the Scout Oath and Law. Requirements are at least First Class, 15 days and nights of camping within 2 years prior to the election (must include 1 and not more than 1 long-term camping experience), and Scoutmaster approval.
What to Expect
The Ordeal is a vital part of the Induction Process of the Order of the Arrow. The Ordeal provides a time for a Scout to reflect upon his experiences within Scouting. These reflections will hopefully
broaden his experiences, and reaffirming his love for Scouting.
During the Ordeal experience, a candidate is required to:
- Maintain silence
- Receive small amounts of food
- Work on Camp improvement projects
- Sleep alone and apart from other campers
The entire experience is designed to teach significant values.
Ordeal weekends are filled with many activities, all of which are safe and fully supervised in accordance with BSA Policies. There are hundreds of thousands of OA members, all of whom have participated in an Ordeal. The Ordeal experience is one that no scout will ever forget because of the honor that has been given by being inducted into the Order of the Arrow.
Cost for the weekend
The Ordeal registration and event fee is $50.00 -
(checks are made out to "Occoneechee Lodge 104")
this fee includes insurance, an event patch, four meals plus a cracker-barrel, the current lodge OA dues, an Order of the Arrow handbook, an Ordeal sash, and an Ordeal lodge flap.
Medical Form REQUIRED!
you alergic to eggs, peanut butter, nutmeg, animal and insect?
What will he need to bring?
- Sleeping Bag with Ground Cloth
- Work Clothes – Saturday
- Work Boots or appropriate footwear to work in
- Work Gloves
- Sleeping Bag
- Ground Cloth
- Personal Tent
- Water Bottle
- Class A Uniform NO Merit Badge Sash
- Normal Camping Gear
- Personal Hygiene Kit showers (saturday and sunday)
- Towel & Washcloth
- Work Clothes & Gloves
- Medicine if any
- Medical Form copy
- Spending Money for the Trading Post (T-Shirts, Hats, Lodge Flaps, Sodas, Candy, etc)
Items Needed Friday Night:
Sleeping Bag with Ground Cloth, Wear Work Clothes, Baseball Hat and bring Gloves
Items Not Needed Friday Night:
Flashlights, Knives, Water Bottles, Food, Radios, CD Players, Cell Phones

When are the Ordeal Weekends offered?

When to check-in:
Friday afternoon between 5:30pm to 6:30pm.
When to check out:
Sunday morning between 9:30am and 10:00am.

Have more qution about the weekend
chapter Adviser
Carole Nicely H 692 - 8942
David Williamson H 944 - 1078
After the Ordeal
Once he has completed his Ordeal experience, please encourage him to check out the New Members Page (Click here to see that page...) that we have designed especially for him! It outlines what his next steps are:
1. Check out the Jumpstart site
2. Attend a Chapter meeting
3. Come to a Lodge event
4. Convert to Brotherhood