Occoneechee Lodge events and what you do at each funtion.
Spring POW WOW @ Camp Durant
- check in
- cracker barrel friday and saturday night
- Service Projects
- Indian Culture and
- POW-WOW 2pm-4pm
- Training
- Quest for Golden Arrow
- Ceremonies Competition
- Conclave meetings
- Fellowship
- Webelos Indian Day Trip 10am-4am
- Brotherhood conversion
- Event patch
Spring Camporee Tapout
- Tapout
- Indian Culture
- Fellowship
Conclave diffent camps each year

Conclave is a gathering of roughly a thousand Arrowmen that occurs once a year
in April at a Boy Scout Camp in our Section.
- Quest for the Golden Arrow Events
- Training
- American Indian Affairs
- Individual Dance Competition
- Group Dance Competition
- Dance Outfit Competition
- Indian Culture and POW-WOW
- Team Singing Competition
- OA Xperience ( fair full of exhibits )
- high adventure village
- various outdoor related shops
- cooking demonstrations
- demos gear
- cracker barrel friday and saturday night
- Spirit Award
- Honor Lodge
- Communications Award
- Ceremonies Competition
- Fellowship from other lodges
- event patch
- Patch Trading from other lodges
Spring Induction @ Camp Durant
- Service Projects camp ready for summer camp
- Indian Culture and POW-WOW
- Training
- Quest for Golden Arrow
- Ceremonies Competition
- Webelos Indian Day Trip
- cracker barrel friday and saturday night
- event patch
Fall Induction / Fellowship @ Camp Durant
- Service Projects
- POW-WOW saturday night
- Brotherhood conversion
- Lodge Officer Elections after noon
- Brotherhood conversion
- Webelos Indian Day Trip
- cracker barrel friday and saturday night
- event patch
National Order of the Arrow Conferencet @
University This every other year
- Fellowship from other lodges (7,000-10,000 OA members)
- Indian Culture and POW-WOW
- Training
- American Indian Affairs
- Individual Dance Competition
- Group Dance Competition
- Dance Outfit Competition
- Indian Culture and POW-WOW
- Team Singing Competition
- how too
- Training
- OA Xperience ( fair full of exhibits )
- high adventure village
- various outdoor related shops
- cooking demonstrations
- demos gear
Leave No Trace
- corp
- Quest for Golden Arrow
- Competition
(lodge to lodge)
- Badminton
- Wiffle Ball,
- Frisbee Golf,
- Mountain Biking
- Golf Tournament (only one day)
- Scuba or Kayak
- Wii Tourney,
- Volleyball,
- Basketball
- Ultimate Frisbee,
- Lodgeball,
- Amazing Race,
- Iron Man,
- Tug-O-War
- Ceremonies Competition
- Shows at night
- Spirit Award
- Ceremonies Competition
- event patch
- Patch Trading from other lodges (7,000-10,000 OA members)
- arena shows professional done with pyrotechnics :)
- trading post (patchs,shirts, and more..)
- place to order pizza all the time
- Housing University’s resident halls (sleep at)
- Museum of OA 1915-now
Lodge Leadership Development @
Campbell University about hour way
- Fellowship
- Indian Culture and POW-WOW
- Training
- Quest for Golden Arrow
- Ceremonies Competition
- cracker barrel friday and saturday night
- event patch
Winter Banquet
- Fellowship
- Silent auction
- Cater dinner
- pass out lodge awards
- event patch
