Ceremonies Information
All Ceremonies are password protect on the site
The purpose of the "Safeguarded Area" is to maintain the mystery
of the ceremonies, in order to create expectancy in the candidates.
There are no secrets, and the Order of the Arrow is not a
secret society. Individuals legitimately interested in the
Order, it nature, purpose or method, may be told this information.
The Safeguarded Area is useful to those youth who perform
OA ceremonies, or would like to.
Password for Ordeal, brotherhood, Vigil

Enter here
User name is ordeal
password: _________
The password is the fifth word of the title on page 10 of
your OA Handbook.
(Use all lower case letters,
no spaces, no quotes, no punctuation.)
- Tapout few version
- Pre-Ordeal (official)
- Oredeal (official)
- Eagle scout OA version
- Crosseovers OA version
- Arrow of Light (new dec 2008)
- Webloes OA version
- Broken Arrow ceremony Is a Ceremony
(not official) written for the occasion of honoring a
member of the OA who is deceased

Enter here
User name is brotherhood
password: _________
The password is
Q:Have you seen the arrow?
A: (the password)
(Use all lower case letters,
no spaces, no quotes, no punctuation.)
Vigil Enter
User name is Vigil
password: _________
The password is
Q: Vigil watchwords
A: password
- Ceremony
- Lenape Dictionary 50pages
(Use all lower case letters,
no spaces, no quotes, no punctuation.)
"From the beginning it has been our hope that the Order
would serve a useful purpose in causing the Scout Promise
and Law to spring into action, especially in the Scout camps
in all parts of our nation. We are still dedicated to this
high purpose."
E. Urner Goodman, Founder of the Order of the Arrow
