Cost for OA Events
* dues are as follows:
Dues for OA are year $10* or
lifetime* makes you a registered
member of OA
Ordeal Candidate $50.00 gone up 2009 (One time only for new members)
Weekend $20.00 member have fun
§Brotherhood $FREE brotherhood during OA weekend
§Brotherhood $FREE brotherhood during Summer Camp
§ just pay your weekend fee of $20
Conclave varies $30~ April
Winter Banquet $13~ December
NOAC around $700 +/- every other year end of July first
week of August
† Gold Arrow Pass $ 65 save money save $10
Yearly dues†
(Spring Pow Wow, Spring
Induction, Fall Induction) †
If you are a lifetime member Winter Banquet is included
Elangomats $10.00
checks are made out to "Occoneechee Lodge
Lodge events
- Spring Pow Wow † (March) @ Camp Durant
* AIA Activities (American Indian Affairs) Dances, drum, Ceremonies, pow wow
* Indian
Dance Competitions
* cracker barrel friday and saturday night
* Conclave meetings
* Brotherhood Trail The cost is $15 (in addition to your event fee),
which pays for a new sash and flap.
* Webelos OA day 10am-4pm
* Quest for Gold arrow
- SR-7B Conclave (April) change location every
* AIA Activities (American Indian Affairs) Dances, drum, Ceremonies,
* Ceremony Competitions
* Indian Dance Competitions
* The Quest
* cracker barrel friday and saturday night
* Training (little of every think)
* Fellowship from other lodges
* patch trading from other lodges
- Spring Induction † (May) @ Camp Durant
* $50.00 Ordeal Candidate reminder your troop
* AIA Activities (American Indian Affairs) Dances, drum, Ceremonies,
* Brotherhood Trail The cost is $0 FREE (in addition to your event fee),
which pays for a new sash and flap.
* cracker barrel friday and saturday night
* If you are brotherhood you can help on the trail
- Fall Induction † (September) @ Camp Durant
* Friday night will be our annual Vigil Call-out Ceremony
* Lodge Elections Saturday afternoon
* Chapter Elections are due
* $50.00 Ordeal Candidate reminder your troop
* Fellowship
* cracker barrel friday and saturday night
* Service projects,
* AIA Activities (American Indian Affairs) Dances,drum, Ceremonies,pow wow
* Brotherhood Trail The cost is $0 FREE(in addition to your event fee),
which pays for a new sash and flap.
Anyone who has been an Ordeal member for 10 months or more is eligible to seal
his membership in the Order by completing the Brotherhood Trail.
* If you are brotherhood you can help on the trail
- Lodge Leadership Development LLD November
* Training (little
of every think)
* New Officer training
* Lodge Executive Committee EC meeting
* cracker barrel friday and saturday night
- Winter Banquet † (December
First Saturday) change location every year
* Lodge Awards (104 Service Award, Ceremonies Award,
Honor Troop, Troop Service)
* Catered Dinner
* Silent Auction
* Fellowship
* awards night
